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Plesk está inacessível: não é possível obter a senha do administrador do PSADb
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  • Plesk está inacessível com o erro abaixo no navegador:

    ERROR: Exception: Unable to get PSADb administrator password: The system cannot find the file specified. (Error code 2) at Unable to connect to pipe \.pipe\P_7da1332a-fe05-4176-91f2-4c4457fb71f0at<br> at (Con::ClientOverlappedPipe::create line 503)<br> at get shared instance of PleskSrvClient(PleskSrvClient::getinstance line 348)<br> at (zif_get_psadb_admin_password line 251)

    Additionally, an exception has occurred while trying to report this error: Zend_Exception
    No entry is registered for key &#039:dbAdapter' (Helper.php:68)
  • plesk login comando retorna o seguinte erro:

    C:\> The system cannot find the file specified. (Error code 2) at Unable to connect to pipe \\.\pipe\P_949c3a9a-99ed-4320-b349-b9e25ce62cdc
    at (Con::ClientOverlappedPipe::create line 518)
    at get shared instance of PleskSrvClient(PleskSrvClient::getInstance line 364)
    at Unable to execute CU(wmain line 85)exit status 1
  • O Plesk Management Service é mostrado como parado e não pode ser iniciado com o seguinte erro:

    The service cannot accept control messages at this time. (Error code 1061) at ControlService 'plesksrv' with code 1
    at (service::controlServie line 508)
    at startService(plesksrv)(service::startService line 274)


plesksrv.exe processo está suspenso.


!!!!1.pngWarning: If the process is not shown in Task Manager, kill the process with Process Explorer Sys utility: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer

  1. Conecte-se ao servidor Plesk via RDP .

  2. Inicie o Gerenciador de Tarefas do Windows e encerre o plesksrv.exe processo.

  3. Inicie o Plesk Management Service no Plesk Services Monitor ou no Windows Services.

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