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A ferramenta de diagnóstico e reparo detectou problemas com o banco de dados: Checking the Plesk database using the native database server tools
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Ao pressionar o botão Verificar tudo na opção Ferramentas e configurações > Diagnosticar e reparar no banco de dados Plesk , aparece um aviso:

The operation failed with the following error: {"id":1,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"progress","message":"Checking the Plesk database using the native database server tools","level":0} {"id":1,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"success","message":"Checking the Plesk database using the native database server tools","level":0} {"id":2,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"progress","message":"Checking the structure of the Plesk database","level":0} {"id":2,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"success","message":"Checking the structure of the Plesk database","level":0} {"id":3,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"progress","message":"Checking the consistency of the Plesk database","level":0} {"id":3,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"warning","message":"Checking the consistency of the Plesk database","level":0,"details":"Inconsistency in the table 'UserSettings' for the column userId: No rows in the table 'smb_users' with id = 5"} {"id":4,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"warning","message":"Inconsistency in the table 'smb_serviceInstances' for the column externalId: No rows in the table 'smb_apsInstances' with registryResourceId = 7edbb73e-aecb-4d07-bf53-cf5513b2a7b4","level":1} {"id":5,"cmd":"plesk repair db -n","type":"error","message":"Inconsistency in the table 'smb_serviceInstances' for the column externalId: There is no object in the 'apsc' database in the table 'aps_registry_object' with UID = 7edbb73e-aecb-4d07-bf53-cf5513b2a7b4","level":1}

 1 issue(s) detected. Show issues


Inconsistência no banco de dados Plesk psa.


  1. Entrar no Plesk
  2. Vá para Ferramentas e configurações > Diagnosticar e reparar
  3. Pressione o botão Reparar na linha Plesk Database

 Note: Caso apareça a mensagem de aviso "Repair Kit fixed all issues it could. If any issues were not fixed, please try fixing them manually or contact Plesk Support." corrigir manualmente através do utilitário de linha de comando plesk repair db ou enviar uma solicitação ao Suporte Técnico.

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